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! S-13
! S-13
|| OF || 122mm Blast-fragmentation rocket || Unarmoured targets || J-11, Ka-50, ''Mi-24V'', ''Mi-28N'', ''Su-17M4'', ''Su-24M'', Su-25 (all), Su-27, ''Su-30'', ''Su-34''
|| OF || 122mm Blast-fragmentation rocket
| rowspan="3" | Unarmoured targets || J-11, Ka-50, ''Mi-24V'', ''Mi-28N'', ''Su-17M4'', ''Su-24M'', Su-25 (all), Su-27, ''Su-30'', ''Su-34''
! rowspan="2" | S-24
! rowspan="2" | S-24
|| A || 240mm Blast-fragmentation rocket
|| A || 240mm Blast-fragmentation rocket || MiG-21Bis
| rowspan="2" | Unarmoured targets || MiG-21Bis
|| B || Reduced-smoke version || MiG-21Bis, ''MiG-23MLD'', MiG-29 (all), ''Su-17M4'', ''Su-24M'', Su-25 (all)
|| B || Reduced-smoke version || MiG-21Bis, ''MiG-23MLD'', MiG-29 (all), ''Su-17M4'', ''Su-24M'', Su-25 (all)

Revision as of 13:19, 15 March 2019

Air-to-Air Missiles

Name Model What is it? Available on
AIM-7 E Medium-range SARH missile F-4E, F-15C
F Improved-range design F-15C, F/A-18C
M Further improved warhead F-4E, F-14A, F-14B, F-15C, F/A-18C
MH Further improved tracking F-15C, F/A-18C
AIM-9 B Short-range rear-aspect IR missile AJS-37 (as Rb-24), F-5E, F-86F
J Short-range rear-aspect IR missile AJS-37 (as Rb-24J)
L Short-range (limited) all-aspect IR missile A-10A, A-10, AJS-37 (as RB-74), F-4E, F-14A, F-14B, F-15C, F-15E, F-16 (all), F/A-18C, Tornado (all)
M Short-range all-aspect IR missile A-10C, AV-8B, C-101CC, F-4E, F-5E, F-14A, F-14B, F-15C, F-15E, F-16 (all), F/A-18C, Tornado (all)
P Short-range rear-aspect IR missile A-10A, C-101CC, F-4E, F-5E, F-14A, F-15C, F-15E, F-16 (all), Tornado (all)
P5 Short-range (limited) all-aspect IR missile A-10A, F-5E, F-14A, F-15C, F-15E, F-16 (all), Tornado (all)
X Short-range all-aspect off-boresight IR missile F/A-18C
AIM-54 A Mk47 Long-range active-homing radar missile F-14B
A Mk60 High-thrust/long-burn engine
C Mk47 Smokeless engine
C Improved targeting version F-14A
AIM-120 B Medium-range active-homing radar missile F-15C, F-15E, F-16 (all), F/A-18C
C Clipped-wing AIM-120B F-15C, F-15E, F-16C (all), F/A-18C
CAP-9 M Training version AIM-9M A-10A, A-10C, AV-8B, F/A-18C
MICA IR Medium-range all-aspect off-boresight IR missile M-2000-5
RF Medium-range off-boresight active-homing radar missile
Mistral Short-range all-aspect IR missile SA342Mistral
R-3 R Short-range SARH missile MiG-21Bis
S Short-range rear-aspect IR missile L-39C, MiG-19P, MiG-21Bis
R-13 M Short-range rear-aspect IR missile MiG-21Bis
M1 Improved-agility version
R-24 R Medium-range SARH missile MiG-23MLD
T Medium-range all-aspect IR missile
R-27 ER Extended-range SARH missile J-11, MiG-29 (all), Su-27, Su-33, Su-30
ET Extended-range all-aspect IR missile
R Medium-range SARH missile
T Medium-range all-aspect IR missile
R-33 Long-range SARH missile MiG-31
R-40 R Long-range SARH missile MiG-25SPD, MiG-31
T Long-range all-aspect IR missile
R-55 Short-range SARH missile MiG-21Bis
R-60 Short-range (limited) all-aspect IR missile
M Expanded-FoV version L-39ZA, MiG-21Bis, MiG-23MLD, MiG-25 (all), MiG-27K, MiG-29 (all), MiG-31, Su-17M4, Su-24M, Su-25 (all)
R-73 All-aspect short-range off-boresight IR missile J-11, MiG-29 (all), Su-25T, Su-25TM, Su-27, Su-30, Su-34
R-77 Medium-range active-homing radar missile J-11, MiG-29S, Su-30, Su-34
R.550 Magic 2 Short-range all-aspect IR missile C-101CC, M-2000C (as Matra Magic II), M-2000-5
Rb-24 See AIM-9B AJS-37
J See AIM-9J
Rb-74 See AIM-9L
RS -2US Short-range radar beam-riding missile MiG-21Bis
Super 530 D Medium-range SARH missile M-2000C, M-2000-5

Air-to-Ground Missiles

Name Model What is it? Typical targets Available on
ADM-141 A Decoy missile Air defences F-14B
AGM-45 A Short-range ARM Radar installations F-4E
B Medium-range ARM
AGM-65 A TV-guided 460lbs AGM Armoured vehicles AJS-37 (as Rb-75 and -75B)
B Improved (zoomable) model A
D IR-guided 485lbs AGM A-10A, A-10C, AV-8B, F-4E, F-15E, F-16 (all), S-3B
E Laser-guided 645lbs AGM Armoured vehicles, structures, ships AV-8B, F-15E, F/A-18C
F IR-guided 675lbs AGM Armoured vehicles, ships F/A-18C
G A-10A, A-10C, AV-8B, F-15E, F-16C (all),
H TV-guided 465lbs AGM Armoured vehicles A-10A, A-10C, AV-8B, F-15E, F-16 (all)
K TV-guided 675lbs AGM Armoured vehicles, structures, ships A-10A, A-10C, AV-8B, F-4E, F-15E, F-16C (all), S-3B
AGM-84 A Medium-range ASM Ships F/A-18C (AI only), S-3B
E Medium-range AGM Hardened structures, Ships
AGM-86 C Cruise missile Hardened structures B-52H
AGM-88 C Long-range ARM Radar installations F-16C (all), F/A-18C, Tornado GR4
AGM-114 K Laser-guided 100lbs AGM Armoured vehicles AH-1W, AH-64, MQ-1A, MQ-9
AGM-119 B Medium-range ASM Ships F-16A
AGM-122 Short-range ARM Radar installations AV-8B
AGM-154 A Long-range Combined Effects Munition gliding cluster bomb Unarmoured target groups F-16C bl.52d
B Long-range Sensor-Fuzed Munition gliding cluster bomb Armoured vehicle groups
C Long-range gliding bomb Hardened structures B-1B , F-15E, F-16C (all), F/A-18C (AI only)
ALARM Long-range ARM Radar installations Tornado GR4
AS.34 Medium-range ASM Ships Tornado IDS
BGM -71D Wire-guided missile Armoured vehicles AH-1W
CATM-65 K Training version of AGM-65K Training targets A-10A, A-10C
HOT 3 Wire-guided SACLOS missile Armoured targets SA342M
Kh-22 N Long-range ASM Ships Tu-22M3
Kh-25 ML Laser-guided AGM[1] Armoured vehicles Ka-50, MiG-27K, Su-17M4, Su-24M, Su-25 (all)
MP Short-range ARM Radar installations MiG-27K, Su-17M4, Su-24M, Su-25T, Su-25TM
MPU Medium-range ARM
MR Radio-controlled MCLOS missile Armoured vehicles MiG-27K, Su-17M4, Su-24M, Su-34
Kh-29 L Laser-guided AGM[1] Hardened targets, ships MiG-27K, Su-17M4, Su-24M, Su-25 (all), Su-30, Su-34
T TV-guided AGM MiG-27K, Su-17M4, Su-24M, Su-25T, Su-25TM, Su-30, Su-34
Kh-31 A Long-range ASM Ships Su-24M, Su-25TM, Su-30, Su-34
P Long-range ARM Radar installations
Kh-35 Long-range ASM Ships Su-25TM, Su-30, Su-34
Kh-58 U Long-range ARM Radar installations Su-17M4, Su-24M, Su-25T, Su-25TM
Kh-59 M Cruise missile Large installations Su-24M, Su-30
Kh-66 Radar beam-riding AGM Armoured vehicles MiG-21Bis
Kokon Radio-controlled SACLOS missile Armoured vehicles Mi-24V, Mi-28N
Rb-04 E Short-range ASM Ships AJS-37
Rb-05 A Radio-controlled MCLOS missile Armoured vehicles, light structures, helicopters
Rb-15 F Long-range ASM Ships
Rb-75 See AGM-65A
B See AGM-65B
Sea Eagle Long-range ASM Ships C-101CC, Tornado GR4
TGM-65 D Training version of respective AGM-65 Training targets A-10A, A-10C
Vikhr Laser beam-riding AGM Tanks, helicopters Su-25T, Su-25TM
-1 Ka-50


Name Model What is it? Targets Available on
AN -M64 High explosive, low-drag 500lbs bomb Light/medium structures P-51D
BetAB -500 Concrete piercing bomb[2] Bunkers J-11, MiG-21Bis, MiG-25RBT, MiG-27K, MiG-29 (all), Su-17M4, Su-24M, Su-25 (all), Su-27, Su-30, Su-34
-500ShP Runways
BDU -33 Light training (smoke) bomb Training targets A-10A, A-10C, AV-8B, C-101CC, F-5E, F-14B, F/A-18C
-50HD Training (smoke) Mk-82 AIR A-10A, A-10C, F-5E
-50LD Training (smoke) Mk-82
-50LGB Training (smoke) GBU-12 A-10C, F-5E
BIN -200 Incendiary bomb Unarmoured targets C-101CC
BK-90 MJ1 Air-burst submunition-dispensing glider Unarmoured targets AJS-37
MJ2 Proximity-fuzed submunition-dispensing glider Armoured vehicles
BL755 1,000lbs cluster bomb Armoured vehicles C-101CC, MiG-21Bis
BLG -66 Concrete-penetrating 305kg cluster bomb Runways C-101CC, M-2000C
BR -250 High-explosive, low-drag bomb[2] Light structures C-101CC
-500 Medium structures
CBU -52B High-explosive, high-drag 785blbs cluster bomb Lightly/unarmoured target groups F-5E
-87 CEM High-drag Combined Effects Munition 950lbs cluster bomb A-10A, A-10C, B-1B, F-15E, F-16C (all)
-97 SFW High-drag Sensor-fuzed Weapon 1,000lbs cluster bomb Armoured target groups
-99 High-drag HEAT 490lbs cluster bomb Armoured target groups F/A-18C
-100 AV-8B, B-52H, F-4E, F-14B, F-16A, S-3B
-103 INS-guided, wind-corrected CBU-87 Lightly/unarmoured target groups A-10C, F-15E, F-16C (all)
-105 INS-guided, wind-corrected CBU-97 Armoured target groups
FAB -50 High-explosive, low-drag bomb[2] Unarmoured targets MiG-19P
-100 C-101CC, L-39C, L-39ZA, Mi-8MTV2, MiG-19P, MiG-21Bis, MiG-23MLD, MiG-25RBT, Su-17M4, Su-24M, Su-25 (all), Su-27, Su-30, Su-34
-250 Light structures C-101CC, J-11, Ka-50, L-39ZA, Mi-8MTV2, Mi-24V, Mi-28N, MiG-21Bis, MiG-23MLD, MiG-25RBT, MiG-27K, MiG-29 (all), Su-17M4, Su-24M, Su-25 (all), Su-27, Su-30, Su-34, Tu-22M3
-250 M54 TU MiG-21Bis
-500 M62 Medium structures J-11, Ka-50, Mi-8MTV2, Mi-24V, Mi-28N, MiG-21Bis, MiG-23MLD, MiG-25RBT, MiG-27K, MiG-29 (all), Su-17M4, Su-25 (all), Su-30, Su-34, Tu-22M3
-1500 M54 Large/reinforced structures Su-24M
GB‑GP -250lbs-Mk4 High-explosive, low-drag bomb Light structures Spitfire LF Mk. IX
-500lbs-Mk4 Medium structures
GBU -10 Laser-guided Mk-84[3] Large/reinforced structures, ships A-10C, F-4E, F-14B, F-15E, F-16C (all), F/A-18C, F-117A
-12 Laser-guided Mk-82[3] Medium structures, stationary armour A-10C, AV-8B, F-4E, F-5E, F-14B, F-15E, F-16C (all), F/A-18C, F-117A, M-2000C, MQ-9, Tornado GR4
-16 Laser-guided Mk-83[3] Large structures, stationary armour AV-8B, F-14B, F/A-18C, M-2000C, Tornado (all)
-24 Laser-guided Mk-84 with penetrator[3] Large/reinforced structures M-2000C
-27 Laser-guided 2,000lbs hardened penetration bomb Hardened structures, bunkers F-15E, F-16C (all), F-117A, Tornado GR4
-31 INS-guided Mk-84 Large/reinforced structures, ships A-10C, B-1B, F-15E, F-16C (all)
-38 INS-guided Mk-82 Medium structures, stationary armour A-10C, B-1B, F-15E, F-16C (all), MQ-9
KAB -500kr TV-guided bomb[2] Medium structures, stationary armour MiG-27K, Su-24M, Su-25T, Su-30, Su-34
-500L Laser-guided bomb[1][2] MiG-27K, Su-24M, Su-30, Su-34
-500S GLONASS-guided bomb[2] Su-30, Su-34
-1500kr TV-guided bomb[2] Large/reinforced structures, ships Su-24M, Su-30, Su-34
-1500L Laser-guided bomb[2]
-1500LG-Pr Laser-guided penetrating bomb[2]
LUU-2 Illumination flare Target marking A-10A, A-10C, AV-8B, F-5E, F-14B, F-15E
LysB Illumination bomb AJS-37
M/71 HD High-explosive, high-drag 125kg bomb Light structures, stationary vehicles AJS-37
LD High-explosive, low-drag 125kg bomb
M117 High-explosive, low-drag 750 lbs bomb Medium structures F-5E
Mk -22 See CBU-100
-81 High-explosive, low-drag 250lbs bomb Unarmoured targets AV-8B, F-14B
-82 High-explosive, low-drag 500lbs bomb Light structures, stationary vehicles A-10A, A-10C, AV-8B, B-1B, B-52H, C-101CC, F-4E, F-5E, F-14B, F-15E, F-16 (all), F/A-18C, M-2000C, S-3B, Tornado IDS
-82 SE Mk-82 with high-drag fin kit AV-8B, F-5E, F-14B, F/A-18C, M-2000C
-82 AIR Mk-82 with high-drag ballute kit A-10A, A-10C, AV-8B, F-14B, F-15E, F-16 (all)
-82Y Mk-82 with higher-drag ballute kit F/A-18C
-83 High-explosive, low-drag 1,000lbs bomb Medium structures AV-8B, F-14B, F/A-18C
-84 High-explosive, low-drag 2,000lbs bomb Large/reinforced structures A-10A, A-10C, B-1B, B-52H, C-101CC, F-4E, F-15E, F-16 (all), F/A-18C, S-3B
OFAB -100 High-explosive, low-drag 100kg bomb Unarmoured targets L-39ZA
P-50 T High explosive, low-drag 50kg bomb L-39C, L-39ZA
RBK -250 High-drag cluster bomb[2][4] Varies with submunition J-11, MiG-21Bis, MiG-23MLD, MiG-25RBT, MiG-27K, MiG-29 (all), Su-17M4, Su-24M, Su-25 (all), Su-27, Su-30, Su-34
RN -24 1–10kt nuclear bomb Tactical formations/installations MiG-21Bis
-28 5–30kt nuclear bomb
SAB -100 Illumination bomb[2] Target marking J-11, L-39C, L-39ZA, Mi-8MTV2, MiG-21Bis, MiG-23MLD, MiG-25RBT, Su-17M4, Su-24M, Su-25 (all)
SC -50 High-explosive, low-drag bomb[2] Structures, stationary vehicles Fw 190
-250 Bf 109
-500 Bf 109, Fw 190

Submunitions for RBK and KMGU

Name Model Type Target/usage
AO -1SCh High explosive Unarmoured targets
-2.5RT Fragmentation Lightly armoured targets
OAB Lightly armoured targets
PFM -1C Mines Anti-personnel
PTAB -1M HEAT anti-tank Lightly armoured vehicles
-2.5KO Medium armoured vehicles
-10-5 Heavy armoured vehicles
PTM -1 Mines Anti-tank


Name Model What is it / usage Available on
AKAN 30/55 ADEN 30mm gun for AA guns and AG strafing AJS-37
ALQ -131 Electronic countermeasures (ECM) pod A-10A, A-10C, F-16 (all)
AN/AAQ -14 LANTIRN IR/Laser target spotting and marking pod F-14B, F-16 (all)
-28 LITENING A-10C, AV-8B, F-16 (all), F/A-18C (AI only)
AN/AAS -38 FLIR Forward-looking infra-red camera used in conjunction with AN/ASQ-173 F/A-18C (AI only)
AN/ALQ -164 DECM ECM/ELINT emission targeting pod for AGM-122 AV-8B
AN/ASQ -173 LST/SCAM Laser targeting pod used in conjunction with AN/AAS-38 F/A-18C (AI only)
-T50 TCTS (Tactical Combat Training System) recording/simulation pod A-10A, A-10C, AV-8B, F-5E, F-14A, F-14B, F-15C, F-15E, F-16 (all), F/A-18C, Tornado (all)
AN -M3 Dual 12.5mm gun pod C-101CC
ASO -2 Countermeasures pod MiG-21Bis
BOZ -107 Electronic countermeasures (ECM) pod Tornado (all)
DEFA -553 30mm gun pod C-101CC
Eclair Extended countermeasures pod M-2000C
GAU -12 25mm gun pod AV-8B
GUV AP-30 30mm automatic grenade launcher Mi-8MTV2, Mi-24V
YakB GSHP 2×7.62mm + 1×12.7mm machine gun pod
HVAR Smoke Smoke dispenser F-86F, P-51D
KB F/C Countermeasure dispenser used in conjunction with U22 or U/22A AJS-37
KMGU -2 Submunition dispenser pod[4] Ka-50, Mi-24V, Mi-28N, MiG-27K, MiG-29 (all), Su-17M4, Su-24M, Su-25 (all), Su-27, Su-30, Su-34
Kopyo -25 Supplemental AG/AA radar pod Su-25TM
KORD 12.7mm gun emplacement Mi-8MTV2
L-081 Fantasmagoria Electronic intelligence (ELINT) emission targeting for Kh-25MP/MPU and Kh-58U Su-24M, Su-25T, Su-25TM
L005 Sorbtsiya Electronic countermeasures (ECM) pods Su-27, Su-30, Su-34
L175V Khibiny Electronic countermeasures (ECM) pod Su-34
M60 7.62mm M60 machine gun emplacement UH-1H
M134 7.62mm Minigun emplacement
Mercury Low-light television (LLTV) EO targeting for Kh-29T, KAB-500kr Su-25T, Su-25TM
MPS -410 Electronic countermeasures (ECM) pods
MXU -648 Travel/cargo pod A-10C, F-5E
PK -3 3× 7.62mm gun pod L-39ZA
PKT 7.62mm gun emplacement Mi-8MTV2
RKL967 Electronic countermeasures (ECM) pods J-11
Sky-Shadow Electronic countermeasures (ECM) pod Tornado (all)
Smoke generator Smoke pod for wing tip pylons J-11, L-39C, L-39ZA, MiG-19P, MiG-29 (all), Su-25 (all), Su-27, Su-30
Smokewinder A-10A, A-10C, AV-8B, F-5E, F-14B, F-15C, M-2000C
SPPU -22-1 Dual traversable 23mm GSh-23 guns for level-flight strafing Su-17M4, Su-25 (all)
SPRD -99 Take-off assist rockets MiG-21Bis
SPS -141 Electronic countermeasures (ECM) pod Su-25
-141-100 MiG-21Bis
U22 Electronic countermeasures (ECM) in conjunction with KB F/C AJS-37
/A ECM and ELINT gathering pod in conjunction with KB F/C
UPK -23-250 Dual GSh-23L 23mm gun pod Ka-50, Mi-8MTV2, Mi-24V, Mi-28N, MiG-21Bis

Pylons and launchers

Name Model Type Holds Available on
APU -60 1× missile rack R-60 L-39ZA
ARAK 6-slot rocket launcher M/70B rockets AJS-37
AUF2 2× bomb rack BLG-66, Mk-82 M-2000C
B -8M1 20-slot rocket launcher S-8 rockets J-11, Mi-24V, Mi-28N, MiG-23MLD, MiG-27K, MiG-29 (all), Su-17M4, Su-24M, Su-25 (all), Su-27, Su-30, Su-34
-8V20A Ka-50, Mi-8MTV2, Su-27
-13L 5-slot rocket launcher S-13 rockets J-11, Ka-50, Mi-24V, Mi-28N, Su-17M4, Su-24M, Su-25 (all), Su-27, Su-30, Su-34
BRU -33 2× bomb rack CBU-99/100, Mk-82/83 bombs, LAU-10/61/68 launchers F/A-18C
-41A 6× bomb rack BDU-33 F/A-18C
-42LS Empty 3× bomb rack Nothing (drag ballast for training) A-10C
M260 7-slot rocket launcher FFAR and HYDRA rockets AH-1W
M261 19-slot rocket launcher FFAR and HYDRA rockets UH-1H
MBD -2-67U 4× bomb rack FAB-100 MiG-25RBT, Su-17M4, Su-25 (all)
MER -3 3× bomb rack Mk-81 bombs AV-8B
-4 4× bomb rack FAB-250 Su-17M4
-6 6× bomb rack Mk-82 bombs, FAB-100/250 F-4E, J-11, MiG-27K, Su-17M4, Su-24M, Su-27, Su-30, Su-34
-9 9× bomb rack FAB-250 Tu-22M3
LAU -3 19-slot rocket launcher FFAR rockets AV-8B, F-5E
-7 1× missile rack AIM-9 AV-8B, F-4E, F-14B, F-86F
-10 4-slot rocket launcher ZUNI rockets AV-8B, F-4E, F-14B, F/A-18C, S-3B
-61 19-slot rocket launcher HYDRA rockets AH-1W, AH-64, C-101CC, F-4E, F/A-18C, S-3B
-68 7-slot rocket launcher[5] HYDRA and FFAR rockets A-10A, A-10C, AV-8B, C-101CC, F-5E, F/A-18C
-88 2×/3× missile rack AGM-65D and H A-10A, A-10C, F-4E, F-16 (all)
-105 1×/2× missile rack AIM-9, AN/ASQ-T50 A-10A, A-10C
-115 1×/2× missile rack AIM-7, AIM-9, AIM-120 F/A-18C
-115C Jettisonable 1×/2× missile rack
-117 1× missile rack AGM-65 A-10A, A-10C, AV-8B, F-15E, F-16 (all), F/A-18C, S-3B
-131 7-slot rocket launcher[5] HYDRA and FFAR rockets A-10A, A-10C, C-101CC
SNEB68G 8-slot rocket launcher SNEB SA342L
MAK79 3×/4× bomb rack BDU-33, Mk-81, Mk-82, Mk-82SE, Mk-82AIR, Mk-83 F-14B
ORO -57K 8-slot rocket launcher S-5 rockets MiG-19P
Shturm -V Extensible missile rack Kokon missiles Mi-24V, Mi-28N
SUU -25 Flare dispenser 8× LUU-2 A-10A, A-10C, AV-8B, F-5E, F-14B, F-15E
Type 155 18-slot rocket launcher SNEB M-2000C
UB -16 16-slot rocket launcher S-5 rockets L-39C, L-39ZA
-16UM MiG-21Bis
-32A 32-slot rocket launcher Mi-24V, MiG-23MLD, MiG-27K, Su-17M4, Su-24M, Su-25 (all)
-32M MiG-21Bis
XM158 7-slot rocket launcher FFAR and HYDRA rockets UH-1H


Name Model What is it? Targets Available on
FFAR Mk1 2.75" Blast-fragmentation rocket Unarmoured targets A-10A, A-10C, AV-8B, F-5E, UH-1H
Mk5 2.75" HEAT rocket Light armorued targets A-10A, A-10C, AV-8B, F-5E, F/A-18C, UH-1H
Mk61 2.75" Training (smoke) rocket Training targets A-10A, A-10C, F-5E
HVAR 5" High-explosive rockets Light armoured targets F-86F
HYDRA 70 M151 70mm HEDP rocket Unarmoured targets A-10A, A-10C, AH-1W, AH-64, C-101CC, F-4E, F-5E, F/A-18C, S-3B, UH-1H
M156 70mm White-phosphorous rocket Unarmoured targets/target marking A-10A, A-10C, AH-1W, AH-64, AV-8B, C-101CC, F-4E, F-5E, UH-1H
M257 70mm Parachute illumination rocket Target marking A-10A, A-10C, AV-8B, C-101CC, F-5E, UH-1H
M274 70mm Training (smoke) rocket Training targets A-10A, A-10C, C-101CC, F-5E, UH-1H
WTU-1/B 70mm Inert training rocket A-10A, A-10C, AV-8B, F-5E
M/70 B AP 135mm HEAT rocket Armoured targets, light structures AJS-37
B HE 135mm HEDP rocket Unarmoured targets
R4M 55mm Air-to-air rocket Aircraft Fw 190
S-5 KO 55mm HEAT rocket Light armoured targets L-39C, L-39ZA, Mi-24V, MiG-23MLD, MiG-27K, Su-17M4, Su-24M, Su-25 (all)
M 55mm Blast-fragmentation rocket Unarmoured targets MiG-19P
S-8 KOM 80mm HEAT rocket Armoured targets J-11, Ka-50, Mi-8MTV2, Mi-24V, Mi-28N, MiG-23MLD, MiG-27K, MiG-29 (all), Su-17M4, Su-24M, Su-25 (all), Su-27, Su-30, Su-34
OFP2 80mm Blast-fragmentation rocket Unarmoured targets J-11, Ka-50, Mi-8MTV2,Mi-24V, Mi-28N, MiG-29 (all), Su-17M4, Su-25 (all), Su-27
OM 80mm Illumination rocket Target marking Ka-50, Mi-8MTV2
TsM 80mm Smoke rocket Target marking J-11, Ka-50,, Mi-8MTV2 Mi-24V, Mi-28N, MiG-29 (all), Su-17M4, Su-25 (all), Su-27
S-13 OF 122mm Blast-fragmentation rocket Unarmoured targets J-11, Ka-50, Mi-24V, Mi-28N, Su-17M4, Su-24M, Su-25 (all), Su-27, Su-30, Su-34
S-24 A 240mm Blast-fragmentation rocket MiG-21Bis
B Reduced-smoke version MiG-21Bis, MiG-23MLD, MiG-29 (all), Su-17M4, Su-24M, Su-25 (all)
S-25 L 340mm Laser-guided HEAT rocket[1] Armoured targets Su-25 (all)
OFM 340mm HEAT rocket J-11, Su-17M4, Su-24M, Su-25 (all), Su-27, Su-30
SNEB 68mm rocket Lightly armoured targets M-2000C, SA342L
Werfer-Granate 21 210mm Anti-air rocket Bomber formations Fw 190
ZUNI Mk 71 5" HE rocket Unarmoured targets AB-8B, F-4E, F-14B, F/A-18C, S-3B

Pseudonym cross-reference

Air-to-Air weapons

What it is called What it really is What it means
AA-1 “Alkali” Anything from the K-5/K-55/R-55/RS-2 family
AA-2A “Atoll” R-3S (Rear-aspect IR)
AA-2C “Advanced Atoll” R-13M or M1 (Rear-aspect IR)
AA-2D “Advanced Atoll” R-3R (SARH)
AA-6 “Acrid” R-40R (SARH) or T (all-aspect IR)
AA-7A “Apex” R-23R (SARH)
AA-7B “Apex” R-23T (All-aspect IR)
AA-8 “Aphid” R-60 (All-aspect IR)
AA-8 “Aphid-B” R-60M, an expanded-FoV R-60
AA-9 “Amos” R-33 (Long-range SARH)
AA-10 “Alamo-A” R-27R (Medium-range SARH)
AA-10 “Alamo-B” R-27T (Medium-range IR)
AA-10 “Alamo-C” R-27ER (Extended-range SARH)
AA-10 “Alamo-D” R-27ET (Extended-range IR)
AA-11 “Archer” R-73 (Off-boresight IR)
AA-12 “Adder” R-77 (Active radar)
AMRAAAM Any AIM-120 Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile
“Amraamski” R-77
GAR-8 AIM-9B (Rear-aspect IR) Guided Air-launched Rocket
K-13A R-3S (Rear-aspect IR)
K-13R R-3R (SARH)
K-13M R-13M or M1 (Rear-aspect IR)
“Orkan” R4M (Air-to-air rockets)
“Phoenix” Any AIM-54
K-55 K-5 with Rear-aspect IR seeker
Matra Magic II R.550 Magic 2
R-55 In-service name for K-55
Rb-24 AIM-9B (Rear-aspect IR) Robot 24
Rb-24J AIM-9J (Rear-aspect IR) Robot 24 Jakt
Rb-74 AIM-9L (All-aspect IR) Robot 74
RS-2US K-5M, an improved version of the K-5
“Sidewinder” Any AIM-9
“Sparrow” Any AIM-7

Air-to-Ground weapons

What it is called What it really is What it means
9A4172 Upgraded Vikhr-1 (Laser beam-riding)
9K114 “Shturm” launcher for Kokon missiles
9K121 Vikhr (Laser beam-riding) launch system
9M114 Kokon (SACLOS)
9M721 Any Kh-29
ALCM Any AGM-86 Air Launched Cruise Missile
AS-4 “Kitchen” Kh-22N (Anti-ship)
AS-7 “Kerry” Kh-23 (MCLOS) or Kh-66 (Radar beam-riding)
AS-10 “Karen” Kh-25ML (Laser guided)
AS-11 “Kilter” Kh-58U (Anti-radiation)
AS-12 “Kegler” Kh-25MP or MPU (Anti-radiation)
AS-13 “Kingbolt” Kh-59M (Cruise missile)
AS-14 “Kedge-A” Kh-29L (Laser guided)
AS-14 “Kedge-B” Kh-29T (TV guided)
AS-17 “Krypton” Kh-31 (Anti-ship or anti-radiation)
AS-20 “Kayak” Kh-35 (Anti-ship)
AT-6 “Spiral” 9K114 Shturm / 9A114 Kokon launch system
AT-16 “Scallion” Vikhr (Laser beam-riding) launch system
“Belouga” BLG-66 (Anti-runway cluster bomb)
CBU-99 CBU-100 with different fuzing
“Grom” Kh-23 (MCLOS) or Kh-66 (Radar beam-riding)
HARM Any AGM-88 High-speed Anti Radiation Missile
HOT HOT3 (SACLOS) Haut subsonique Optiquement Téléguidé Tiré d'un Tube
“Harpoon” AGM-84A (Anti-ship)
“Hellfire” AGM-114K (Anti-tank)
JSOW Any AGM-154 Joint Stand-Off Weapon
“Jupiter” OFAB-100 (Low-drag bomb)
Kh-23 Improved radio-command version of the Kh-66 (Radio beam-riding)
“Kormoran” AS.34 (Anti-ship)
“Maverick” Any AGM-65
“Mjölner” BK-90 (Submunition-dispensing glider)
Mk-22 “Rockeye II” CBU-100 with different fuzing
“Penguin” AGM-119 (Anti-ship)
“Plamya” GUV AP-30 (Grenade launcher)
Rb-75 AGM-65A (TV-guided) Robot 75
Rb-75B AGM-65B (TV-guided with zoom) Robot 75 Bertil
“Shrike” Any AGM-45
“Sidearm” AGM-122 (Anti-radiation)
“Snake Eyes” Mk-82 SE (Fin-retarded bomb)
SLAM AGM-84E (Anti-installation) Stand-off Land Attack Missile
TALD ADM-141A (Decoy) Tactical Air Launched Decoy
TOW BGM-71D Tube-launced, Optically tracked, Wire-guided
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Can be buddy-lased using code 1113
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 The number signifies the bomb weight in kg.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Can be buddy-lased using pilot-selectable code
  4. 4.0 4.1 See the separate submunitions table for payload options.
  5. 5.0 5.1 The LAU-68 has a thermal shielding that the LAU-131 lacks, but this has no in-game effect. The difference is purely aesthetic.