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User talk:Tippis

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DCS Wishlist

Gameplay improvements

Airport operations

  • Back-taxi and pushback ground crew commands for airports
  • “Repair” at airports put you back on concrete if you're in the grass

Sensible binding

  • Full bind functionality (button press/release states) exposed
  • Full bind functionality for everything — remove devs' ability to restrict inputs.
  • No device-specific bind functionality/bind lock-out
  • No attempted defaulting for unknown devices

Mission preparation and planning

  • Unified DTC interface and API for all aircraft (setting WPs, TPs, IPs, Fixpoits, markers, threat zones, weapon parameters, laser codes, countermeasure programs etc) for live play and also in the mission editor
  • Unified radio setting interface for all aircraft (and all radios) as part of the DTC setup



  • Part of X in/out of zone — being able to limit unit types (airplane, helo, ground, ship)
  • “For each…” functions for Part of X in/out of zone conditions.
  • Cockpit argument predicates available for both client and player aircraft
  • Relative speed/position predicates between different aircraft
  • Damage model trigger actions available for both client and player aircraft
  • Helper trigger actions (cockpit highlights; sky gates etc) available for clients
  • Helper trigger actions relative to other aircraft (highlight aircraft, draw gates relative to aircraft)
  • Weapon in zone triggers for all weapon types.
    • …also, weapon in moving zone.
  • Damage state triggers for all states, not just dead.

Group tasking

  • AI state settings (eg. invisibility, invulnerability) fully available for client and player aircraft
  • Unified task availability for movement tasks (follow, escort, formation, halt/deploy to template, switch waypoint) irrespective of unit type
  • Derived flight times/ToT take waypoint wait actions (eg. obit end time) into account

Unit placement

  • Static object activation/deactivation triggers
  • Static object groups and templates (Partially implemented)
  • Ability to place sea units on all water surfaces (not just at altitude 0) (Partially implemented)

Unit manipulation

  • Drag-box select of units. groups, statics, and waypoints (even across groups)
  • Align and distribute functions for above selectable objects

Mission editor UI

  • Trigger, briefing, and mission goal interface panels adjust to actual screen size


  • Weather editor, including detailed weather preview.
  • Weather UI elements show actual weather parameters (eg position, size, ellipticity, angle, and combined pressure zones).
  • Weather parameters exposed to scripting

Airport settings

  • Scripting readout and control over airport functions (ATC, lights, ILS, damage state).
  • Scripting readout and control over warehouses.
  • Separation between warehouse maximum and current state (so warehouses can start out empty but fill up over time)
  • Ability to suppress warehouse messages

Incomplete features

  • Expose/complete existing placeable beacon objects and scripting (TACAN, RSBN, VOR, NDB — preferably also ILS, AWLS etc)
  • Enforce/allow difficulty settings that allow for client settings to take precedence

Filling in the gaps

Half-done features and functions that would be much better if entirely done.

  • Proper adaptive JTAC implementation
    • Make JTAC set the laser code to the weapon rather than the other way around.
    • Proper target selection and target prioritisation (being able to engage targets of opportunity and multiple groups).
    • All laser weapon codes set on the ground, via rearming interface (also included in the universal DTC setup interface).
  • Proper troop transport implementation
    • Ability to set pick-up and drop-off WP actions on any waypoint, not just the first one.
    • Ability to set pick-up and drop-off as triggered actions.
    • Troop loading happening based on proximity alone rather than order of the group (no more bunching up according to huge spacing line-ups where each unit has to move slowly, one by one, in order move towards the helo before being picked up). This includes the ability to pick up group partially and not stall just because one unit in the middle is dead or because it is stuck trying to climb an office highrise to “stay in formation” with the rest of the boarding queue).
  • Damage states in the proper order, and at much higher threshold relative to the full hit point pool
    • Systems disabled → Movement disabled → Dead → Burning / smoking → Destroyed
    • “Dead” happens at 50% HP, not 0%; systems are disabled at even fairly low damage levels.