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Weekend Mission

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Weekend Mission.

AirGoons strives to run two weekend missions.

The A-mission, which is Saturday at 20:00 UTC is our primary mission format, typically featuring a PvE mission designed per Goon Mission Guidelines and tends to have a population of 16-24 pilots, feature planes broadly owned within AirGoons, and generally has a broadly appealing concept, polish, and difficulty such that it is accessible and fun.

The B-mission, which is Sunday at 20:00 UTC is our experimental mission format. This format is used for gimmicks, PvP, challenges, or beta testing future A-missions. It tends to have a population of 4-12 pilots, may feature planes not commonly owned, and has no expectation of polish or balance, allowing mission makers the freedom to test concepts with a willing group of guinea pigs or for new mission makers to hone their craft.

Sign-up sheet:

Sign up for A-mission participation via the "Sign-Ups" tab. B-mission participation can be found under "Sign-Ups B". If you wish to create or run a mission, you may do so under the "Mission Schedule" tab. We are always looking for new mission makers and content creators, please holler in mission maker chat on our discord if you need any help!

See here for a list of previous weekend missions.