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VR Troubleshooting

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Issue - HMD tracking works, as apparent by correct motion in the mirrored screens on your desktop, but the HMD screens are not on.
Quick Fix - Connect your HMD to a different video output. It seems Windows flags the screen as asleep and there is no way to wake it.
Long Fix - Make Windows forget your display states by clearing entries from your registry. Right click and delete the following and then reboot:

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers\Configuration
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers\Connectivity
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers\ScaleFactors

Issue - Windows Mixed Reality Portal enters a boot loop, playing the startup sound endlessly and not booting into any VR environment
Fix - Delete the registry entries mentioned in the other long fix above, then reboot.

Issue - unspecified
Quick Fix - Restart the Spectrum service in Task Manager.

Spectrum - Windows Perception Service

Issue - WMR Headset (HP Reverb G1/G2, etc) crashes in DCS/snow/etc.
Fix - Go to Add or Remove Programs, Mixed Reality Portal, Advanced, Repair/Reset/Uninstall (try other WMR apps as well). It seems these programs get gummed up, and reinstalling them cleans them up.