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Talk:Fragging a package

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A quick list of the mission types and their success factors 

Air Interdiction missions to prevent reinforcements reaching the front line. There is no specific target assigned between the two target steerpoints and your flight is free to hunt down reinforcement and logistics units (actually any unit will do). To ensure success you must destroy as many targets as possible.
Same as CAP but you are hiding from the OPFOR, usually behind a mountain at low altitude.
Barrier CAP. A standard CAP (combat air patrol) where your flights will protect a geographical area from enemy aircraft. Arrive on time at the first CAP point and stay in the CAP for the assigned patrol time for mission success (usually 30 minutes but that depends on the flight plan).
If you have to leave early for whatever reason you must request relief from the AWACS. Try not to fly too far from your CAP point and set a commit criterion of 25 Nm. The difference between CAP and DCA is that CAP is not tied to specific assets so it is easier to get success with survival and CAP time, even if you did not shoot any OPFOR aircraft down.
Bomb Damage Assessment. Same as reconnaissance but post-strike to evaluate the strike effectiveness. Mission success conditions are the same as for recon flights.
Same as BARCAP.
Same as Pre-Planned CAS.
Defensive Counter Air. DCA missions are meant to protect friendly assets in a particular area.
DCA flight plans have two CAP points and a patrol time. To ensure success you must stay on station and prevent friendly assets in and around your AOR (Area of Responsibility) from being attacked by OPFOR. The main problem with DCA is knowing which asset to defend with a war going on around you.
Destruction of Enemy Air Defences. As the title implies you must destroy as many specific radars and/or launchers as possible at the target steerpoints. That is the old SEAD STRIKE tasking from 4.32.
Same as STRIKE but deep behind enemy lines. Success conditions are the same as Strike.
Your flight must protect a package from OPFOR aircraft. You will meet with your target package and fly with them (usually in front of them to ensure they are not attacked by enemy aircraft). The trick with Escort is to find a good compromise between commit criteria and staying with the package. Enemy forces will try to drag you away from your target, so other enemy flights can destroy them while you are not there to protect them. For mission success the target package must not sustain any loss.
Forward Air Controller (Aircraft) mission. Although the F-16 is not the best platform for FAC duties it is quite possible to direct strike flights in MP with the TGP and Laser Spot Tracker capabilities. You can now even illuminate and guide other flights’ LGB weapons. When tasked with FAC duties you must assist in the destruction of as many enemy ground units as possible around the 2 target steerpoints. This tasking is best flown in MP.
High Value CAP. Same as CAP but mission success is tied to the survival of the high value asset you are tasked to protect. CAP patrol time is usually longer with HAVCAP (defaults to 1 hour).
This Air to Air flight has a very specific target that must be intercepted and destroyed around the target steerpoint. Mission success is tied to the failure of the intercepted aircraft mission. An abort by them is considered as success for you. This mission can unfortunately fail if another unit downed your target before you could.
Offensive Counter Air Strike missions are targeted specifically against airbases or search radars. The purpose of OCA strikes is to help gain aerial supremacy by destroying assets on the ground. Mission success is tied to target damage of at least 30% (target must be under 70% operational status after the strike).
On Call Close Air Support. You are tasked to patrol an area (respect the patrol time) and standby for specific targets that will be transmitted to you by friendly assets (usually a FAC). The way the AI transmit target coordinates is tricky to follow and this type of mission is best flown in MP with a human FAC(A). To ensure success you must destroy as many targets as possible.
Same as RECCE Patrol but the task is to photograph naval units. See above for details.
Close Air Support mission against known ground units. The FAC is not needed. Destroy as many vehicles in the target battalion as possible to ensure mission success. Please note the flight plan will place two target steerpoints. The target is supposedly around these two steerpoints, usually moving on roads. Mission can unfortunately fail if your target was destroyed by other units.
Reconnaissance. Usually pre-strike recon mission against a specific target. Your aircraft will be loaded with the LOW ALT camera and you must photograph the target. Mission will be rated as success if you fly closer than 2 Nm (slant range) from target. Please note anything higher than 12000 feet is more than 2 Nm slant range. Fly low level at the target.
Same as Recce but with two target steerpoints. Mission is aimed to search for enemy ground vehicles in the assigned area. You must photograph the target with the LOW ALT camera. See RECCE for details. Mainly used for choppers (which are not flyable by humans).
Suppression of Enemy Air Defences. This time you do not have to destroy specific ADA, but usually protect a strike package from enemy air defences. It is the old SEAD ESCORT tasking. Mission success is tied to the strike package sustaining no losses.
Genuine Air to Ground strike mission against a variety of specific targets. Decrease operational status of the assigned target by 30% at least to ensure success (target must be under 70% operational status after the strike).
Aggressive Air to Air flight that has no patrol time but 3 target steerpoints where you will attack and destroy as many OPFOR aircraft as possible without friendly losses in your flight. You must shoot down at least one enemy and survive for success.
Target CAP. Same as CAP but you are protecting a specific target area (usually while other aircraft strike it). You must ensure the strikers survive their attack.
Tactical Air Support for Maritime Operations. Damage as many naval targets as possible at the attack steerpoint.
is a Training flight without specific objectives. Just bring the jet back for mission success.