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TFAR Teamspeak:

Our Discord if you need help:

Steam Workshop link for TFAR:


Teamspeak download:

Correct plugin:

Task Force Arrowhead Radio is the plugin for Arma 3 that adds radio functionality, much like SRS.

Our teamspeak is set up so that you can only talk there if your TFAR is working, and you are connected to the game. Otherwise you are muted. For a very basic setup guide:


  1. Subscribe to Task Force Radio and CBA_A3. You need both. Wait for it to download and install.
  2. Enable 'show hidden files' in Windows Explorer []
  3. Install the TeamSpeak plugin here:

A picture guide to the plugin in case you want to find it on your own computer and not use that link above: TFAR Teamspeak plugin walkthrough.

  1. Start/restart TeamSpeak, and connect to your group's TeamSpeak server using the IP address provided by the server host. For our Air Goon Arma, it is:
  2. Start/restart Arma 3 with the task_force_radio and CBA_A3 mods activated. If you join Air Goons server through launcher, it will ask automatically.
  3. Now that TS is running, you are on a TS channel that is muted. That is fine. Once you enter a game in Arma, you should be moved automatically to the TaskForceRadio Channel in the TeamSpeak server.
  4. You should then be able to hear players who are close to you. Learn how to use the radio.

Proximity chat/intercom

This is set in your 3d audio, in other words: talking around you. It should be something else than caps lock. It can be set to voice activation, or push to talk in Teamspeak. This is vehicle intercom when aboard something, and when walking, it is your immediate surrounding.

Short range radio

To to use, press the caps lock to speak on your short range radio. This is your immediate, 100-200 meter radio at most. It is by default on channel 1, and that where you can leave it unless you want another channel with few select friends. This means that when pressing caps lock, you will use a radio that is audible to people in your vicinity and so it's useful for local stuff beyond talking range. To change which ear it is on, and channels, press CTRL+P.

Long range radio

This is used by pressing CTRL+Caps Lock. It is your long range radio, either your manpack radio, or your vehicle's radio. Use LALT+P to access settings. If you have a manpack radio, and you are in a vehicle, it will ask which one, the vehicle or backpack. Here you can choose channels for the long range. By default in our Goon Mike Force, they are as follows:

Generic Infantry/Ground: Long Range Channel 1 Air Transports, such as hueys: Long Range Channel 2 Close Air Support, and Fire Observers: Long Range Channel 3 Recon Teams: Channel 4

So, if you fly transport, have your huey on 2. If you fly CAS; have it on 3. If you are on ground and what to guide CAS birds, tune into 3 on your manpack radio.


I can not hear people, or they cannot hear me, despite everything being correct? -Verify your audio capture and playback devices in Teamspeak. Perhaps they are using monitor speakers or something similar. Extremely common issue.