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La-5 series 8

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The Lavochkin La-5 series 8 is a premium fighter from the Battle of Stalingrad module of IL-2 Sturmovik: Great Battles.

Hangar view


Important facts and figures

Engine management

  • Boosted power time limit (stock engine): 5min.
  • The M-82F mod removes this time limit.
  • In addition to boosted power, both engines use the boost button for extra oomph.
  • The M-82Fs' limit to its power output is heat soak. Under boost, unless speeds are very high, the oil will overheat after 5 to 10 minutes. Climbing with boost can overheat the cylinder heads too.
  • Shift supercharger gears at 3000m (earlier than the manual calls for).
  • Inlet cowls should be open at all times. They should only be closed to protect the engine from overcooling.
  • The mixture at 100% can loosely be equated to auto-rich in an american plane. Lean only to conserve fuel in cruise.
  • The engine guzzles gas. With a full tank, if you are heavy on the boost, expect a flight time between 35 and 45 minutes.
  • The outlet cowls are super draggy. Keep them completely closed as much as possible.

Airspeed considerations

Flying the La-5

Out of combat

Startup and taxi

  • RPM, mixture 100%.
  • Inlet cowls fully open.
  • Throttle 10-15%.
  • Yaw trimmer strongly to the right (30-50% according to your preference).
  • Begin engine startup sequence.
  • For taxiing, be aware that the tailwheel doesn't lock, therefore the plane will need careful handling on the ground.


  • Oil radiators fully open.
  • Outlet cowls at around 60% for the initial climb to altitude.
  • Smoothly throttle up to full power.
  • Use right rudder to keep the plane straight.
  • Takeoff speed is just under 200km/h.


  • Pitch trim to achieve the desired attitude.
  • Keep an eye on your cylinder head temperature and adjust the outlet cowls if necessary.
  • Keep an eye on your oil temperature. If it get too high, turn off boost. If that still isn't enough, reduce the power output (throttle and RPM).
  • Adjust the yaw trimmer until the slip indicator is centred.
  • Dont forget to shift your supercharger gear at 3000m (earlier than the manual calls for).


  • Pitch trim to achieve the desired attitude.
  • Close the outlet flaps.
  • Adjust the yaw trimmer until the slip indicator is centred.
  • If you wish to save fuel, lean your mixture.


  • RPM to 100%.
  • Keep an eye on your oil temperature and adjust the radiator accordingly.
  • Keep an eye on your cylinder head temperature and close the inlet cowls if necessary.
  • Extend flaps below ???km/h.
  • If the plane needs a little more encouragement to slow down, opening the outlet flaps to 100% can help.
  • Landing speed is around 155km/h.
  • After touchdown, let the plane roll for a little while before applying the brakes.

In combat




Flying against the La-5

Do this

Do not do this


Rivet counting

IRL History