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2018-06-16 Operation Trident

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June 16, Saturday, at 1700 UTC, Air Goons Discord.

Mission file: Operation_Trident.miz

This is on the Caucasus map, but in the middle of the sea to simulate open ocean.

If you fucking suck at Carriers, this is not the time to practice, Please have a baseline skillset to use the planes, and to taxi around a carrier, and to reliably takeoff and land without issues.


In 1991, the Chinese started building their artifical islands to extend their influence. In May 1991, they installed oil rig platforms at a new location where they plan to establish control on the South China Sea. Simultaneously, they are also maintaining their fleet there, and have sent a supply ship convoy to take care of their newest carrier.

While sailing nearby, a combined USN and Indian Navy task force received orders to initiate a first strike. Taken by surprise, a strike package has been assembled in the early morning hours. The USMC is allowing their harriers to be used for the strike since USS Tarawa has been accompanying the fleet for some time.


Friendly Carrier Group sailing Eastward at 11 knots on South China Sea, with Indian Navy and US Navy ships. Time 0600, and strike package has been prepared. Clear weather. We have a 2-ship F-14A flying CAP for the fleet.

Our Fleet:

Our target, the collection of artificial oil rigs that have been towed there in preparation of the building of the artificial island.

Friendly Forces:

  • Four F-18Cs as the Strike Cap CAP
  • Eight F-18Cs as the Strike 1 package
  • Eight AV-8Bs as Strike 2 Package
  • Four SU33s s from the Indian Navy


  1. Assemble at waypoint one with the CAP, and both Strike Packages.
  2. Proceed to the target area at waypoint 2, and engage the parked ships and the oil rigs. They are numbered for priority.
  3. Destroy the incoming supply fleet that is approaching from the North-West to the target area.
  4. Ensure the Strike Packages make it mostly back.

Upon spawning, 4-ship CAP of Hornets is on the catapults, and will take off with Sparrows and Sidewinders. The rest of the planes will slowly spawn in one by one to ensure we don't get explosions on the spawn spot of the elevator. After spawning, you will slowly taxi to the back of the carrier, and wait for your turn for the catapults.

Distance from friendly carrier to target area is 95 nautical miles. Distance from Bullseye to target is 40 nautical miles.