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Mission Plans

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  • Push Point: Push points are preset locations and altitudes where the various components of the package orbit while awaiting their specific time to start (push) toward their targets (ingress). This coordinated approach is necessary because the attacks are synchronized by location, approach axis, effects, and time. While enroute to the push point, each flight commander will check in with the package commander. This ensures everyone is there, on time, operating on the right frequency, etc. In the event all is not proceeding as planned (e.g. if a flight is late coming off the tanker), the package commander may have to make adjustments, such as slipping everyone's assigned time over-target (TOT) or in rare cases, aborting the mission.
  • Initial Point (IP): An IP is a point designed to direct and control the flight path of attack aircraft. IPs are often visually significant and used to funnel aircraft toward the target from a specific bearing. It can also be used to avoid a surface threat for inbound attack aircraft. (A)FACs can use the “IP inbound” call from attacking aircraft as a means of visually acquiring the attackers by scanning the area around the IP. Timing and coordination are paramount.
  • Contact Point (CP): A CP is a point normally outside the range of enemy surface-to-air weapons where aircraft contact the terminal controller. Marked by coordinates (lat/long, MGRS, etc.), conspicuous terrain feature, or other identifiable object which is given a name or number, it is used as an aid to navigation or control of aircraft. It also serves as a place for aircraft to hold so they can receive the target briefing and coordinate an attack plan.
  • Egress Control Point (ECP): A point located just outside the enemy air defense area that is used to control aircraft egress from the target area.

Control Zones

  • Forward Line of Own Troops (FLOT): A line that indicates the most forward positions of friendly forces in any kind of military operation at a specific time. The forward line of own troops normally identifies the forward location of covering and screening forces.
  • Free Fire Area (FFA): A specific area into which any weapon system may fire without additional coordination with the establishing headquarters.
  • Restrictive Fire Area (RFA): An area in which specific restrictions are imposed, and into which fires that exceed those restrictions will not be delivered without coordination with the establishing headquarters.
  • Restricted Operations Area/Restricted Operations Zone (ROA/ROZ): Specified airspace within which air operations are limited, established in response to specific situations and requirements such as CSAR or aerial refueling.