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Advanced Aircraft Training Qualification for A-10C

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After BFT, and before moving on to the more combat-focused TTQ, it is time to move to Kobuleti, Georgia and qualify for the advanced flight tasks in the A-10C.

All flight instructions and performance comments are voiced but once again, this is not a storyline campaign — it is a qualification course in large part based on actual 11-2 instruction and evaluation criteria. Your progression to the next mission relies on passing specified criteria in terms of performing the tasks demanded of you, with precision and to the letter. The campaign includes an amplified checklist that goes through all the steps you need to learn and perform, and each mission presents a set of criteria for its different qualification levels. Having the checklist handy, either separate to the game or converted to a in-game kneeboard, is almost a requirement.

The missions

Each of the 10 qualification steps consists of a practice session and a qualification session. This is an advanced course, but the tasks themselves are so common as to be rote experiences for any A-10C pilot. Even so, you are now asked to follow procedures very precisely in order to learn exactly how to deal with each situation.

…and study some more…

The qualification course comes in two parts. First, there is the Advanced Flight Training (AFT), consisting of:

  • Daytime air-to-air refuelling: rendez-vous with refuelling flight, connect, and depart.
  • Nighttime air-to-air refuelling: rendez-vous with refuelling flight, connect, and depart.
  • Countermeasures and threat avoidance: fly through a defended area, identify and employ countermeasures and avoidance techniques as needed.
  • Target area ingress preparation: fence in and fence out procedures, DSMS modification, TGP manipulation and target identification, mock attack.
  • Illumination flare employment: fence and and fence out, DSMS manipulation, flare delivery.

Second, there is the Advanced Armaments Training (AAT), consisting of:

  • Air-to-air gun and missile employment: fence in and fence out, correct delivery of GAU-8 and AIM-9.
  • Air-to-ground gun and rocket employment: fence in and fence out, correct delivery of GAU-8 and Hydra 70.
  • Air-to-ground unguided bomb employment: fence in and fence out, correct delivery of Mk82 and CBU-97 bombs.
  • Air-to-ground guided bomb employment: fence in and fence out, correct delivery of GBU-12, GBU-38, and CBU-105.
  • Air-to-ground missile employment: fence in and fence out, correct delivery of AGM-65D and AGM-65H.

Each lesson builds on the previous ones, and at the end of each mission, you will be grade with a pass or fail (or qualified or non-qualified) on the learning tasks for that segment.

More information

DCS World
Campaign modules
A‑10C Basic Flight Training Qualification (BFTQ) · Advanced Aircraft Training Qualification (AATQ) · Tactical Training Qualification Campaign (TTQC) · 16‑2 Red Flag · The Enemy Within · Operation Piercing Fury · Stone Shield · Operation Persian Freedom
AJS‑37 16‑2 Red Flag
AV‑8B NA Sky Warrior
Bf 109 K‑5 Jagdflieger
Combined Arms Frontlines Georgia
F‑5E‑3 Aggressors Basic Fighter Maneuvers (BFM) · Aggressors Air Combat Maneuver (ACM) · Black Sea Resolve ′79
F‑14A & B Zone 5 · Fear the Bones
F‑15C Aggressors BFM · 16‑2 Red Flag · The Georgian War
F‑16C Red Flag 21-1
F/A‑18C Aggressors BFM · Operation Pontus · Raven One · Rising Squall · The Serpent's Head 2
F‑86F Hunters over the Yalu · The Museum Relic
Fw 190 A‑8 Horrido!
Ka‑50 Memory of a Hero · Republic · Pandemic
L‑39 Kursant
M‑2000C M‑2000C Red Flag Campaign by Baltic Dragon
Mi‑8MTV2 The Border Campaign · Crew Part 1 · Memory of a Hero · Oilfield Campaign
MiG‑15bis The Museum Relic
P‑47D Wolfpack
P‑51D The Blue Nosed Bastards of Bodney · Charnwood · High Stakes
Spitfire L.F. Mk. IX The Big Show · Operation Epsom
Su‑27 The Ultimate Argument
UH‑1H Argo · Worlds Apart - Spring 2025